PIANO SERENADE amongst the best 10 Cd’s of 2022

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REVISTA ENDERROCK – Once again, the specialized jury linked to the magazine 440 Clàssica&Jazz, has been in charge of awarding the 2023 Enderrock Award to the best classical music album, and setting up a list with the other nine most noteworthy albums published between December 1 of 2021 and November 30, 2022. Piano Serenade has been included in this year’s list, where there have also been chamber formats, symphonic, solo instruments, lyric and also revitalization of historical heritage. List of the 10 best Catalan classical music albums of 2022. Read article (In catalan)

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November 18th, 2022: Teatre-Auditori de Sant Cugat

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ALEX ALGUACIL & YUKIKO AKAGI – PIANOS. Poulenc: Concerto for two pianos and orchestra. Sant Cugat Symphony Orchestra.

Friday November 18th – Teatre Auditori Sant Cugat del Vallès - Concerto for two pianos and orchestra by Francis Poulenc with pianist Yukiko Akagi and the Orquesta Simfònica de Sant Cugat conducted by Salvador Brotons. The rest of the program will be the Suite “Ma Mere l’Oye” by Maurice Ravel and the “Pictures of an exhibition” by Mussorgsky in the orchestration by Ravel. Concert at Teatre-Auditorio of Sant Cugat at 20:00h. Buy tickets

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September 28th, 2022: Recital at Palau de la Música

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September 28, 2022 – Palau de la Música Catalana: Recital at the Palau de la Música Catalana, within the Palau Piano cycle. Works by Fdez-Barrero, Strauss and Granados. Continuing with the presentation of my new album, Piano Serenade, edited by Aglae Musica and dedicated to the works for solo piano by Richard Strauss, this recital will include a selection of his Pieces for piano op. 3 and his Stimmungsbilder op. 9. These works will be preceded by a world premiere work by Marcos Fernandez Barrero entitled Scenes, based on the Goyescas of Granados that deconstructs some of their themes and rhythms. Precisely in the second part we will listen to a wide selection of the Goyescas by Granados, with works from the Suite Los Majos Enamorados but also with other works that do not belong to the famous suite but are part of the “Goyesque” universe of Granados. BUY TICKETS HERE

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Interview at “La Dársena”, National Spanish Radio

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Interview on Radio Nacional de EspañaHERE you can retrieve the interview that Jesús Trujillo did to me on RNE’s La Dársena Program, on the occasion of my new album, Piano Serenade, dedicated to Strauss’ solo piano work and released by the Aglae label Music. In the interview we also talked about the figure of Strauss, about how the idea for this album arose, about all the piano works that Strauss did, about the ideas that his music suggests to me, as well as some other anecdote. You can listen or download the program HERE.

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July 23rd, 2022 – Recital at Festival de Medinaceli



July 23, 2022 – Medinaceli International Festival – Recital at the Medinaceli International Festival. Continuing with the presentation of my new album, PIANO SERENADE, released by Aglae Música and dedicated to solo piano works by Richard Strauss, this recital will include a selection of his Piano pieces op. 3 and his Stimmungsbilder op. 9. In the second half we will listen to a wide selection of the Goyescas by Enrique Granados, with pieces from the suite Los Majos Enamorados but also with other works that are not part of this famous suite but do belong to the “Goyesque” universe of Granados, such as the Serenata Goyesca, Intermezzo or El Pelele. Concert in the Colegiata de nuestra señora de la Asunción, at 8:00 p.m.

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Piano SerenadeHERE you can watch the presentation video of Piano Serenade, my new CD dedicated to the piano music of Richard Strauss, edited by Aglae Música. In this video I talk about the motivation that led me to record this album and the music on it. I make a brief review and introduction of the 3 great works that make up this CD: the Five pieces for piano op. 3, Piano Sonata Op. 5 and Stimmungsbilder, Op. 9. All of them works influenced by the style of Shumnann and Mendelssohn, with some traits of Beethoven, but that already show some distinctive traits of what the later composer would be, and even aspects that appear in his later work. You can see the video by clicking HERE. If you want more information about his music you can download the PDF that makes up the notes of the CD, by clicking HERE. If you want to listen to the album on SPOTIFY you can do it HERE.

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June 3rd, 2022: Recital at Auditori Josep Carreras

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June 3rd, 2022 – Auditori Josep Carreras: Recital with works with a strong operatic nature. 1st half with works for piano by Richard Strauss, Piano Sonata op. 5 and pieces from his Op. 3 and Op. 9. This youth compositions are influenced by the musical language of Mendelssohn and Schumann but already show traits of Strauss’ later style, among them, a strong symphonic and theatrical nature. 2nd half with some of Granados’ Goyescas, one of the most important compositions of the spanish piano literarature, full of drama and passion, which in fact Granados turned into an opera. Info and tickets here

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NEW CD!! – PIANO SERENADE – Richard Strauss Piano Music – OUT April 25th

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Richard Strauss. Ständchen & Opp. 3, 5, 9: 

PIANO SERENADE – The complete solo piano music of Richard Strauss. The young Strauss created his piano music when he was between 16 and 20 years old (between 1880 and 1884). These early works were modeled after the romantic style of Mendelssohn, Schumann or Brahms. Even though they do not display the bold chromatisms and tonal ambiguities of the later Strauss, they subtly anticipate traits of the later composer, while charmingly displaying an honest and beautiful musical message. This recording starts with a transcription of Ständchen, one of his most celebrated songs, and goes on with Fünf Klavierstücke, op. 3, Piano Sonata in B minor, op. 5, and Stimmungsbilder, op. 9. With no pretensions and a few resources, these early pieces show a little known facet of the Bavarian genius, heightened by the imagination and creative force of his youth. Released by Aglae Musica. Download PDF - Listen to the album on SPOTIFY HERE

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Youtube – During the Covid-19 pandemic I started a series of informative videos, mainly on Spanish music, explaining my ideas about the works I present, analyzing them with the score, with examples on the piano and commenting on some images associated with these works. You can find music videos by composers such as Albeniz, Granados, Falla, Mompou, Montsalvatge or Rodrigo. If you like and want to receive notifications of the following videos you can visit my channel or subscribe HERE If you want to see the playlist you can do it by clicking HERE

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February 12th, 19th & 26th, 2022: AUDICIONS ÍNTIMES

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February 12th, 19th & 26th. – Auditori Cullel i Fabra: Three Concert Lecture Recitals with Journalist and Musicologist Xavier Chavarria. Concert format in which we perform and explain about the music, interacting and asnwering questions from the audience. I will be performing music by Liszt, Granados, Mompou, Montsalvatge and Strauss.


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