Piano Serenade – HERE you can watch the presentation video of Piano Serenade, my new CD dedicated to the piano music of Richard Strauss, edited by Aglae Música. In this video I talk about the motivation that led me to record this album and the music on it. I make a brief review and introduction of the 3 great works that make up this CD: the Five pieces for piano op. 3, Piano Sonata Op. 5 and Stimmungsbilder, Op. 9. All of them works influenced by the style of Shumnann and Mendelssohn, with some traits of Beethoven, but that already show some distinctive traits of what the later composer would be, and even aspects that appear in his later work. You can see the video by clicking HERE. If you want more information about his music you can download the PDF that makes up the notes of the CD, by clicking HERE. If you want to listen to the album on SPOTIFY you can do it HERE.